IMAGE Next Project, supported by Comic Relief, UK and Terre des Hommes- Netherlands, improves the lives and livelihoods of people from vulnerable and marginalised sections of society in 15 locations across Karnataka.
COVID 19 has a great effect across Karnataka. Especially the North Karnataka is the worst hit of this pandemic. Because of this, Workers in the informal sector, particularly street vendors, construction workers, healthcare and gig economy workers are the most adversely impacted sections following the restrictions imposed to fight coronavirus. A 79 day lockdown period completely locked people
in their home. Therefore the vulnerable section of the society struggled to get food, keep hygiene and get the awareness of the pandemic.
In response to the COVID 19 crisis, in spite of many challenges, IMAGE Next project has tak
en various measures for the humanitarian response to the vulnerable people through its partners – Vidyanikethan, REACH, SEVAK, PMSR, CRT and ARPANAM Trust in almost 14 districts of
Karnataka. The highlights of relief measures are as follows
- 939 vulnerable and marginalised families from 201 villages who are victims and survivors of Early Child Marriages are being supported with Dry rations kits which include Cereals, pulses, oil, sugar etc for emergency relief.
- Hygiene Kits which include Face Masks, Sanitisers, liquid hand wash, gloves and soaps for protection and hygiene are being provi
ded to 4654 Vulnerable families.
- Various virtual meetings are being conducted to build the capacity of field team members for protection and prevention measures on COVID 19.
- 19 types of IEC materials being developed by Child Rights Trust (CRT) and being distributed to 21,000 people across 14 districts. Through this effort the Early Married Girls (EMGs), Survivors, Families and communities are being a
ware of prevention and protection measures on Corona pandemic.
- 128 EMGs and Survivors are being engaged in the Rangoli competition, who have aware people on COVID 19 through floor art and also 139 EMGs and Survivors are being engaged in Posters competition on COVID 19.
- Support is being given to Health workers, School teachers with dry ration kits and face masks and IEC materials are also distributed to Government offices on COVID 19.
The project has rolled out these relief measures by keeping the social distancing in mind from 1st May 2020 to 10th June 2020. The field team members completed the emergency with the support of district administration, local leaders, volunteers, PRI Members, local CSOs and Corona warriors like School teachers, ASHAs and AWWs.
Now the project is conducting virtual online capacity building training to build the capacity of Movement Leaders. Also, motivating and supporting them to access the different Government welfare schemes from the State and Central government.
Thanks to Comic Relief, UK and Terre des Hommes-Netherlands for their valuable support and all the team members from the partners of IMAGE Next Consortium for successful execution.