” Earlier I was afraid to go to the hospital, Now I am confident”-Parvati

Seventeen-year-old Parvati hails from a very poor family in North Karnataka. Ever since her puberty,she had a low blood pressure problem and was diagnosed with anemia. Her parents could not afford to treat her.She was forcefully married at the age of sixteen due to poverty. After marriage,her anaemia led her to develop several gynaecological problems.

During this time, the Initiative for Married Adolescent Girls Empowerment (IMAGE) programme, a joint venture of Terre des Hommes Netherlands(TdH-NL) and Arpanam Trust,enriched Parvati’s life through interventions. She was counselled on the condition of her health and was accompanied to the hospital in getting a health check-up. She was given awareness on nutritional supplements and was provided financial assistance for her nutrition and treatment.She was also made aware of the terrible consequences of having a child at present.Her husband was made to join the Spouse club for health awareness.

Parvati says,” I am very happy now since my health has drastically improved. Earlier, I was afraid to go to the hospital, now I feel confident. Nutritional supplements have really helped me. My hemoglobin count has increased. I plan to continue my education and complete my second PUC exam.”