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Project Interventions across five thematic areas

We are working on five areas of project interventions with EMGs and Survivors, which are as follows :


Movement building and strengthening: The project builds a strong and growing movement by identifying and organizing EMGs and young women married before 18 years through a membership drive and strengthen them on child marriage issues.


Norms and Behaviour Changes at Family and Society level: Awareness and sensitization to families of target population on gender, SRHR, health and nutrition of girls and young women through the campaigns and meetings. 


Leadership development and capacity building: Identify and strengthen selected girls and women leaders as change agents to spearhead the movement  


Engagement with Government and other stakeholders:Interface between girls & young women and Government & other stakeholders with the active participation of Government and CSOs on issues that are being strategic to the project.


Evidence gathering and communication strategies for influencing Government, community and other stakeholders: Studies to gather pieces of evidence around the issues faced by the target population, their needs, and demands, and landscape of existing interventions